Page 20 - ES&G report 2021 final
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Expertise helps local cooperatives meet health
and safety regulations
Associated helps member systems comply with state and federal environmental, health and safety regulations
in a number of areas, including:
• Spill prevention, control and countermeasure plans.
• PCBs (polychlorinated biphenyl) management. Associated leverages the talents and contributions
• Stormwater pollution prevention plans and land disturbance permits. of every individual
• Air (stratospheric ozone, emissions from mobile and small sources), and Tier II (chemical reporting).
• Voluntary removal of polyfluorinated substances in firefighting foam.
• Changing of ozone depleting refrigerants to nonozone depleting refrigeration. Recognizing the value of each employee is a key part of Associated’s culture. We leverage the talents and con-
tributions of every individual, encouraging personal responsibility, teamwork and quick action. To ensure our
Engagement and communication helps communities employees are able to reach their potential, Associated invests in them through multifaceted training opportu-
nities, thoughtful employee career planning and with resources to help employees at work and in life:
Associated’s community involvement extends to a major sponsorship of the Springfield, Missouri, chamber • Associated’s leadership programs encourage the development of a diverse, inclusive workforce through
of commerce, where executives and staff participate in the economic and social network of the state’s third training designed to build awareness of perceptions, biases and the value of diversity.
largest business community. Employees serve on local boards and committees of governmental and nonprofit
organizations throughout the service area. • Leadership bench strength is enhanced through completion of a talent review succession planning process,
which includes 30 leadership positions at the second tier of the organization, resulting in 39 identified poten-
• The Members’ First program uses multiple social media platforms to engage tial successors.
members, delivering information about safety, energy efficiency and cooper-
ative value. • A dedicated organizational development team creates processes and provides resources to encourage
employee development using individualized development plans.
• Communications about power supply and related issues also are delivered
through Rural Missouri magazine, Oklahoma Living, Living with Energy in • Associated’s employee assistance program (EAP) provides confidential resources, support and counseling
Iowa and Associated’s own social media resources and website. © services to help employees and families resolve issues affecting the quality of life at home or work. Will
preparation and estate planning are also provided with EAP.
• Sales of renewable energy credits expanded Jan. 1, 2021, through Associat-
ed’s revised Green Power Program, meeting a growing request from com- • Other employee benefits include paid time off, medical leave, training and education assistance, life events
mercial and industrial member-owners. paid time off, life insurance and flexible spending accounts.
“We have confidence
in ourselves and the
organization and
we trust and respect
each other.”
– Shawn Calhoun,
Senior vice president & chief
human resources officer
Associated staff attends local cooperative annual meetings
throughout the year to educate members about their
power supply, answer questions and address concerns.