Transmission resiliency
Associated and its six member-owners' integrated, high-voltage transmission system is a key resource for ensuring affordable, reliable power for members.
Associated and its six owner transmission cooperatives collaborate to plan, protect and invest in high-voltage transmission facilities and technologies that ensure mission-critical resilience for member cooperatives, as well as full compliance with requirements of the North American Electric Reliability Corp.
Associated's six owners are among the best at building, operating and maintaining high-voltage transmission lines. Together, Associated and the G&Ts own and operate more than 10,200 miles of high-voltage transmission lines, as well as related substations and facilities.
Building transmission facilities
Transmission planning and construction take years. Good planning is an important part of transmission system reliability and resiliency.
Planning alternate pathways for electricity to flow means a major transmission line out of service doesn’t prevent electricity from reaching a substation that serves a particular area. There is likely another pathway for the electricity to follow to reach customers. This contingency planning is part of Associated Electric’s responsibility.
Continuing to be good stewards is another responsibility balanced with reliability.
On past projects, our hallmark has been working with landowners, neighboring utilities, regional transmission organizations and municipalities in an open, transparent process to lower transmission costs and strengthen regional reliability.
Associated Electric and the Tennessee Valley Authority, our reliability coordinator and a key strategic alliance, are part of the Southeastern Regional Transmission Planning group. This regional transmission planning group is comprised of G&Ts, investor-owned utilities, a municipal utility and a municipal organization to meet Federal Energy Regulatory Commission's requirements under Order 1000.
Associated and its six G&T owners' integrated, high-voltage transmission system enables Associated to transact business with investor-owned and municipal utilities, electric cooperatives, power marketing firms and regional transmission organizations for the benefit of providing affordable, reliable electricity for members.
Transmission lines owned by Associated and its G&T owners:
69 kV -- 7,100 miles
138 kV -- 274 miles
161 kV -- 2,033 miles
345 kV -- 760 miles
500 kV -- 46 miles