Page 25 - AECI 2022 BALANCE AR copyright 2023
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A strong focus on security and compliance

        Safeguarding the three-tiered system through security and compliance is a hallmark of Associated. In 2022, the

        cooperative’s programs, activities and teamwork protected grid reliability to ensure an economic and reliable power
        supply for members.

        Innovation, collaboration fuel
        cybersecurity program

          Cyber Dome, an innovative, collaborative and
        proactive approach to defending and detecting
        system threats, provides a new level of security and
        service for the three-tiered system. The program
        leverages the expertise of Associated’s cybersecuri-
        ty team and cooperative IT professionals to quickly
        detect and respond to potential threats in real-time.
        For its 49 participants, this program significantly
        reduced the potential for a cyberattack to disrupt
        the system in 2022.

        SERC auditors praise industry-
        leading compliance

          Associated completed an operations and plan-
        ning audit by SERC Reliability Corporation in 2022,
        earning a clean evaluation with no findings. These
        results indicate the cooperative continues to be in
        compliance with federal standards that ensure a
        reliable and secure electric grid.
                                                            Cyber Dome team members, left to right, back row: Toby Schaefer, Tasha Zumalt, Tom Galloway, Matt Tindell,
                                                            Michael Green, Danny Dubree. Front row: Andy Hoggatt, Jody Loftin, Stacy Jackson, Justin Kosar.

                    “Associated’s strong culture of compliance supports these SERC audit results. This culture encourages grid reliability and resiliency,
                  which ultimately supports Associated’s mission to provide an economical and reliable power supply and support services to members.”
                                              – Todd Bennett, managing director, reliability compliance and audit services

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