Page 23 - AECI 2022 BALANCE AR copyright 2023
P. 23

Responsibly generating power is a way of life for our cooperative

        Associated’s long-term focus on environmental stewardship is a cornerstone of the cooperative’s commitment to

        responsible value and accountability to its member-owners. Stewardship of the air, land and water on which rural
        communities depend remained a focus in 2022 as it has in the cooperative’s more than 60 years of generating power.

                                                  Protecting water and                         2005-2022 carbon emissions rate declines
                                                  air resources

                                                    Associated and its members have   2000  pounds/MWh
                                                  invested more than $100 million
                                                  since 2015 to meet Coal Combustion
                                                  Residuals and Effluent Limitation
                                                  Guidelines issued by U.S. Environ-  1800
                                                  mental Protection Agency, funding
                                                  coal ash and water quality projects,                                                 21.3% decrease since 2005
                                                  including pond closures, water
                                                  systems and groundwater quality     1600
                                                  monitoring. It’s all part of serving
                                                  our members with commitment to
                                                  environmental stewardship.          1400
                                                  emissions rate

                                                    Overall, Associated’s carbon      1200
                                                  emissions rate has declined through

          Year round, 24/7, the emergency response teams stand   diversification of generation resourc-
        ready at a moment’s notice. These teams at New Madrid   es and improved power plant
        Power Plant and Thomas Hill Energy Center put their lives   efficiencies.     1000  2005  2006  2007  2008  2009  2010  2011  2012  2013  2014  2015  2016  2017  2018  2019  2020  2021  2022
        on the line to safeguard the people, plant operations and
        communities they call home.

                                               1.18 RIR                                                          $100 million
                                   second-lowest OSHA recordable                                       since 2015 to meet CCR and ELG
                                   incident rate of all-time in 2022                                       environmental guidelines

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