Page 18 - AECI 2022 BALANCE AR copyright 2023
P. 18

Extending discounts for members

       For the fourth consecutive year, Associated provided discounts for members that have totaled $253 million. While historic

       inflation impacted every other aspect of daily life, Associated’s members could count on the stability of affordable
       electricity. To help mitigate the impact of rising costs and a needed rate increase in 2023 – the cooperative’s first since
       2017 – the Associated board extended demand discounts through March 31, 2023.

                               Member rate discounts                                           Incentivizing energy efficiency
                                                                                                Take Control & Save, a suite of energy efficiency services and rebates
                                                                                               funded by Associated and its member systems, provides significant finan-
                 In millions of dollars                                                        cial incentives for member-consumers to save energy. In a win-win for
            300                                                                                Associated and its member systems, Take Control & Save offers 15 rebates
                                                                                               to improve energy efficiency across the system, helping families save mon-
                                                                                               ey on heating and cooling equipment, smart thermometers, weatherization
            250                                                                                improvements, residential energy audits and more. Associated benefits by
                                                                                               generating less energy than it otherwise would during periods of peak use.
                                                                                                 More than 75,000                           More than $70 million

            150                                                                                  member-consumers                           invested by Associat-
                                                                                                 have participated in            

         ed and participating
                                                                                                 the program since                          cooperatives since
            100                                                                                  2008.                                      2008.

             50       65                                    68

                     2019        2020         2021        2022         Total                                      In 2022, the board extended
                                                                                                                    the Take Control & Save
                                                                                                                    program through 2025.

                                            $68 million                                                         $253 million
                                          in member rate                                                     in total member rate
                                         discounts in 2022                                                   discounts since 2019

   13   14   15   16   17   18   19   20   21   22   23