Page 22 - AECI 2022 BALANCE AR copyright 2023
P. 22

Associated’s evolving resource mix

                                                                       T O T A L G EN ER A TION

                                           2005                                                               2022

                                      19,342,208 MWh                                                      27,017,099 MWh

                                      17%                                                             4%

                             6%                                                               13%



                          COAL • GAS • WIND • HYDRO • PURCHASES

                        The diversity of wind and hydropower adds optionality, fixed prices
                          Associated’s long-term purchase agreements brought the first utility-scale wind farm to Missouri in 2007. Today, Associated buys all the
                        output from eight wind farms located in Missouri, Kansas and Oklahoma – with a combined nameplate capacity total of 1,240 MW. The least
                        expensive resource is 478 MW of hydropower from federal dams in Missouri, Oklahoma and Arkansas.
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