Page 17 - AECI 2022 BALANCE AR copyright 2023
P. 17

Protecting the bottom line for members

        Associated has never forgotten the value of a hard-earned dollar. The need for affordable electricity in the rural Midwest

        is what sparked the cooperative’s founding more than 60 years ago. Today, Associated’s vision to be among the lowest -
        cost wholesale power providers for members-owners continues to drive the cooperative.

         22          Member energy sales                          Navigating a challenging year
                                                                  for energy affordability
            MWh in millions
                                                                   2022 presented real challenges to energy
         21                                                       affordability. Surging inflation, skyrocketing fuel

                                                                  costs, policy changes, an unexpected base load
                                                                  unit outage and global supply chain shortages
         20                                                       kept pressure on affordability. All this during
                                                                  a year the Associated system set a record for
                                                                  member energy sales while selling power to our
         19                                                       cooperative owners at competitive rates. Despite
                                                                  the challenges, Associated leveraged its financial
                                                                  strength and flexibility to find solutions, absorb
         18                                                       costs and keep rates affordable for members.



                                                                                                                  Affordable energy has been a priority since Associated’s founding. The
                                                                                                                 cooperative never forgets who they serve and how it benefits rural
         15                                                                                                      communities in three states.
             2013  2014  2015  2016  2017  2018  2019  2020  2021  2022

                                                                          20.8 million MWh
                                                                 all-time record member energy sales

   12   13   14   15   16   17   18   19   20   21   22