Reliable electricity may be taken for granted by consumers, but affordability certainly is not. The expectation of responsible, affordable, reliable electricity begins with member-consumers and their expectations of their local distribution cooperatives.
Because we are member-governed and member-controlled, our members' focus on the price of electricity drives our focus on costs.
As the wholesale power generator for this three-tiered system of cooperatives, Associated Electric affects the costs of its six owner generation and transmission cooperatives and the 51 distribution cooperatives in three states that those G&Ts serve. The goal of our three-tiered system of cooperatives is to deliver reliable electricity to cooperative member-consumers at the lowest cost possible.
Member distribution cooperatives served by Associated Electric Cooperative and its six owner G&Ts overall continue to buy power at a lower cost than the average paid by nonmember distribution cooperatives in eight states surrounding the three-tiered system, according to the latest data from the National Rural Utilities Cooperative Finance Corp.