• illustration of main street with people a dog
Protecting the bottom line for members

Associated Electric Cooperative keeps a keen eye on the bottom line for member-owners. As cost pressures in the energy industry continue to rise, maintaining an affordable power supply with the reliability members expect requires a balancing act between competing priorities.

The Associated advantage

Members – those families, business owners and industries at the end of their local co-op’s distribution lines – are what Associated is all about. Learn more about how our service and business model deliver affordable electricity.

Associated Advantage

couple on porch with dog
housing enhancement northeast economic development

Economic development

Associated leads efforts and offers support services to attract economic development across Missouri, southern Iowa and northeast Oklahoma. In collaboration with member-owner transmission cooperatives and distribution cooperatives, our three-tiered system of electric co-ops plays a crucial role in bringing new businesses, job opportunities and growth to our home communities.

Economic Development Program

Incentivizing energy efficiency

Energy efficiency is one of the most cost-effective resources Associated Electric Cooperative provides to meet its mission of providing a reliable power supply for members. Associated’s energy efficiency program helps members save on their electric bills and gives the cooperative another tool to control the rising cost of generating electricity.


guy standing outside store smiling
employees talking at conference room table

Affirming financial strength

Associated’s annual credit rating review process is critical to ensuring affordability and is a key indicator of the cooperative’s financial strength.