Take Control & Save is a suite of energy efficiency services and rebates funded by Associated Electric Cooperative and its member systems that provides significant financial incentives for member-consumers to save energy. In this way, Associated can equip member systems to offer energy-saving incentives, while exploring ways to keep its wholesale power rates competitive.

Incentivizing energy efficiency
On the frontline of energy costs, Take Control & Save's menu of equipment rebates are designed to save energy and money while providing options for member systems.
Take Control & Save offers high-efficiency heat pump water heater rebates, commercial energy audits, a business lighting rebate program and a partnership with the state of Missouri to implement several energy efficiency programs. Staff from Associated and member cooperatives continually research and review the most cost-effective and workable energy-efficiency measures for the three-tiered system, evolving the program to meet latest needs.
Since first launched in 2008, Take Control & Save has seen:
$74+ million dollars invested by Associated and participating co-ops
3.7+ billion kilowatt-hours (kWh) in projected savings over the lifetime of the program
259,315 homes could be powered for a year with total energy savings from the program