The all-new Ripley Energy Center, under construction by Associated Electric Cooperative near Ripley, Oklahoma, will meet the energy needs of members across the region with a net output between 420 and 445 MW. When complete, Ripley Energy Center will be the most advanced commercially operated combustion turbine in the state. The facility will operate as a natural gas peaking unit, which will not run all the time, and will be available to quick-start and run on-demand during periods of peak energy use.
Ripley Energy Center's ideal location, approximately 6.5 miles due north of Ripley, Oklahoma, offers the best proximity to natural gas supply lines and cooperative high-voltage transmission lines, allowing Associated to construct the energy center at the lowest-cost possible to members.
Fast Facts & Project Guide: Ripley Energy Center
Efficient, powerful, simple-cycle combustion turbine technology
Quick-start capability
Net output of 420–445 MW
Selective catalytic reducers (SCRs) installed to reduce nitrogen oxide emissions
Unit can burn fuel oil and blend up to 30% hydrogen
Energy center online by 2026–2027
Estimated total project cost of $520 million
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
Associated Electric Cooperative, headquartered in Springfield, Missouri. Founded in 1961, Associated is the wholesale power provider for KAMO Power, a generation & transmission cooperative headquartered in Vinita, Oklahoma.
KAMO Power transmits the electricity to nine Oklahoma-based distribution cooperatives, including Central Rural Electric Cooperative, which delivers the power to rural members across the state.
Associated is a not-for-profit wholesale power generation cooperative that is owned and governed by the cooperatives we serve.
This project is a natural gas peaking unit, which will not run all the time and is available to quick-start and run on-demand during periods of peak energy use to make sure members have reliable electric generation.
Peaking generation like this project supplements other forms of generation, like wind and solar power, which cannot generate power on demand.
The primary reason Associated is developing this new energy center is because electric use in Associated’s cooperative system continues to grow, especially during periods of peak demand in the winter and summer.
When considering potential locations for this energy center, proximity to natural gas supply lines and cooperative high-voltage transmission lines are key. This site, located 6.5 miles due north of Ripley, Oklahoma, best meets those requirements to construct the energy center at the lowest-cost possible to members.
The prioritized site in Payne County, Oklahoma, completed the permitting process and concluded all required site studies. Construction began in late 2024 and will take approximately two years to complete.
No, Ripley Energy Center will be operated as a peaking facility to provide power when needed, typically to serve sudden surges in electricity use. The energy center will have quick-start capability to meet fluctuating energy demand, needing just 13 minutes to reach full capacity.
Peaking facilities reliably serve members during periods of peak energy use. Seasonal peak energy use typically occurs during very hot or very cold weather, while daily peaks tend to occur early in the morning and evening hours when people are at home and using larger appliances.
Yes, especially if you are a member of a rural electric cooperative. This new energy center will enable Associated to provide KAMO Power with a reliable power supply to meet fluctuating member demand. KAMO Power transmits this electricity to your local rural electric cooperative, who delivers the power to your home when needed most.
During peak construction, activities related to building the energy center will require up to 200 people. Traffic and activity during that phase will be noticeable, but of variable duration and only during construction. Transportation studies will be completed to minimize impacts and ensure roadway integrity is maintained.
After the unit is in-service, estimates are no more than 12 people will usually be on-site at any given time. Traffic impact will be minimal.
Modern natural gas generating units are designed to minimize noise, emissions and lighting. The unit will comply with all emissions requirements set forth by regulatory agencies responsible for that oversight.
The energy center will be equipped with features to reduce noise. Associated’s goal is to keep sound levels at homes in the vicinity equivalent to the volume of a typical person-to-person conversation.
The unit will be set back from the road and other property boundaries by several hundred feet. The tallest part of Ripley Energy Center will be approximately 140 feet tall.
Ripley Energy Center will employ up to 200 employees during construction and six to eight permanent employees will remain to operate the unit once commissioned. For the latest job postings, please visit or email with specific questions.
Sí, la guía del proyecto y el documento de preguntas frecuentes están disponibles en español.
Please email with any inquiries and answers will be provided as quickly as possible.