Associated Electric Cooperative manages a diverse generation fleet of coal, natural gas, liquid fuel, wind and hydropower resources. This balanced generation mix allows for optionality that enables Associated to take advantage of weather and market conditions to benefit members. As the market shifts, Associated can select the lowest-cost generation to serve native member load, finding the optimum position to reliably meet member energy needs, no matter the season.
Baseload generation: Backbone of reliability
Baseload generation refers to power plants that provide a steady and constant production of electricity to meet the minimum level of demand. Associated’s baseload power plants are coal-fired and can operate continuously to provide a constant amount of electricity to the grid. These dependable workhorses generate power consistently, day and night, regardless of the fluctuations in electricity demand.
Combined-cycle generation: Bridging baseload and fluctuating demand
Associated’s combined-cycle natural gas plants also serve member energy needs reliably and on demand. Efficient and able to start generating power quickly, these units frequently function as a bridge between constant baseload power and fluctuating demand. When natural gas is a more affordable resource than coal, the combined-cycle fleet is called upon to generate baseload power for members.
Peaking generation: Serving peak demand
Peaking generation, like Associated’s simple-cycle natural gas or liquid fuel plants, provide power during periods of high electricity demand. These plants operate when energy needs peak, such as hot summer days when the A/C is cranking or frigid winter nights when electric heat kicks on. Peaking power plants can start up and shut down very quickly to meet demand.
Alternative generation: Intermittent resource
Alternative generation is also key to Associated’s diverse generation portfolio and environmental goals. Associated contracts alternative generation from regional wind farms and hydropower from federal dams. Although renewable energy is a clean generation resource, the intermittent nature of solar, wind conditions and rainfall-dependent hydropower limits reliable output.