At Associated Electric Cooperative, we take seriously our obligation to improve and care for the communities we serve. Cooperatives operate by seven core principles, and concern for community is one of those. Associated's support of our home communities, both financially and with volunteer time, is core to our identity and will remain among our most important investments.

Emergency response worker

Emergency response teams

The emergency response teams at Associated's New Madrid Power Plant and Thomas Hill Energy Center are modern day minutemen who put their lives on the line to safeguard the people, plant operations and communities they call home. These dedicated Associated employees are forged through highly technical and extensive training. The training isn't just an asset to the plant, but also to the surrounding area, as many team members serve as volunteer firefighters and bring their knowledge to local departments.

Contributions committees

Contributions committees

Each Associated work location has a dedicated committee of volunteer employees who review grant requests and give back thousands of dollars to local charities each year. Grants awarded by Associated support a diverse mix of local charitable/service organizations that reflect the following corporate values: family/community, education/technology, environment and rural heritage and lifestyle.

Volunteer time-off

Volunteer time-off

Associated supports volunteerism and actively encourages its employee base to participate in giving back to the community. Nonunion employees at Associated are awarded time off for volunteering at community events.

Volunteer time-offs

United Way Pacesetter

Associated is among the largest partners of United Way of the Ozarks, directly helping to improve the lives of thousands of children, adults and families through the services of United Way's diverse member agencies. Annually, Associated employees have made the cooperative a pacesetter in United Way fundraising and also participate in the annual Day of Caring, helping area agencies clean, tend gardens, paint and more. In 2024, Associated was named the United Way of the Ozarks' Corporate Humanitarian of the Year.