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Members want low cost

Reliable electricity may be taken for granted by consumers, but affordability certainly is not. The expectation of responsible, affordable, reliable electricity begins with member-consumers and their expectations of their local distribution cooperatives.

Because we are member-governed and member-controlled, our members' focus on the price of electricity drives our focus on costs. 

As the wholesale power generator for this three-tiered system of cooperatives, Associated Electric affects the costs of its six owner generation and transmission cooperatives and the 51 distribution cooperatives in three states that those G&Ts serve. The goal of our three-tiered system of cooperatives is to deliver reliable electricity to cooperative member-consumers at the lowest cost possible.

Member distribution cooperatives served by Associated Electric Cooperative and its six owner G&Ts overall continue to buy power at a lower cost than the average paid by nonmember distribution cooperatives in eight states surrounding the three-tiered system, according to the latest data from the National Rural Utilities Cooperative Finance Corp.


We CARE about the environment and constantly seek ways to improve the efficiency and environmental performance of our units.

In fact, we have invested millions of dollars to improve air quality, reducing nitrogen oxides, sulfur dioxide and mercury emissions.

Our mission

To provide an economical and reliable power supply and support services to our members

Take Control & Save

Since 2008 Associated has offered member systems the Take Control & Save program to encourage and support energy efficiency measures that help them save on their electric bills. Associated and participating co-ops have invested more than $65 million in the program since 2008, and these investments to date, such as Energy Star appliances and weatherization improvements, are projected to save more than 2.7 billion kilowatt-hours of electricity during their lifetime.